WeHo Costume Carnival 2008

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Last night, having no plans of my own, I headed out to West Hollywood to check out their annual Costume Carnival. More than 300,000 people, many in drag, converged on Santa Monica Boulevard to see and be seen. I had read that there would likely be a lot of Sarah Palin impersonators there, but I don’t think I saw one in the three hours I was there. Later I saw a couple interviewed on the 11 o’clock news, so I guess I missed them or left too early. Oh well.
About this gallery: PhotoShelter has recently developed a new widget that allows you to embed a photo gallery from my account. Clicking on the images will take you directly to my archive where the images can be purchased or licensed. So I thought I’d test it out here. For an added bonus you can click on the box with the arrow pointing out of it in the lower right to see the images full screen. – dz

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