Jake Grys and family on “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition”

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I was happy to see that the episode of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” featuring the Grys family of Pekin, Ill., aired last week on ABC. I spent a year following the Grys family’s youngest member, Jake, an 8-year-old with a rare and life-threatening combination of osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle-bone disease) and dwarfism. My original post was lost when I accidentally destroyed my old blog, so I’m posting the story again with a link to the online broadcast of the show. To see it go here. It’s episode 13. I don’t think they keep the episodes up for more than a week or so, so be sure to look before they take it down! I’m also proud to note that an image from my story – a wide shot of Jake on the operating table – was featured on the show. I’m glad I was able to help tell his story to a new audience.

2 Replies to “Jake Grys and family on “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition””

  1. David, we treasure what photos we have that were taken by you. It was a great experience! Thanks Jeannie

  2. My children wanted to write Jake letters and draw him pictures. I know his name, pekin, IL, but there are three zip codes. Do you have a way I can get these letters to him. If so, reply to my email address.

    Thank you!

    Rebecca Orr

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