Lovers Electric

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2009-03-28loverselectric1202009-03-28loverselectric3482009-03-28loverselectric2652009-03-28loverselectric077I spent a fun Saturday afternoon photographing Aussie-via-London, pop-rock duo Lovers Electric (David Turley and Eden Boucher) in my “studio” apartment. Erinn and I met the husband and wife collaboration between catchy sets at an event at Venice’s Equator Books the night before. I’m always looking for fun people to photograph, and I liked their vibe. So with a bit of encouragement (3 parts Erinn and 1 part Shiraz), I approached David and asked if the two would mind meeting up sometime during their visit to L.A. to do some photos. They both turned out to be great sports and agreed to come over the next day when they had some free time. And here are the results. The two were in town signing a new record deal and will be coming out with a new CD sometime in May, I believe. More on that can be learned by clicking on their band name above to check out their site. They’re also on Myspace at

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