Erinn and I took a nice little trip up the coast to San Francisco over the weekend before heading over to Modesto to pick up her sister, Heidi, and brother-in-law to be Seth, who were there attending a wedding. On the way up we had the time to take the Pacific Coast Highway, a road everyone should take the time to drive on at least once in their lifetime. I hadn’t taken it since a 2001 road trip I took with my college roommate and had forgotten how stunning it is. Along the way we camped overnight at a state park called Montana de Oro. We had intended to camp in Big Sur, but we got a late start Thursday afternoon and couldn’t get there before dark. That’s okay though. Where we stayed was pretty enough and we really just needed a place to crash before continuing on the next day. Big Sur seems like it merits a couple day visit, which we’ll hopefully fit in sometime soon. The most beautiful part of the drive occurred the next day. Unfortunately I don’t have a lot of great photos from the drive as we were in a hurry to get to our destination, but we did take the time to stop and check out some sunning sea lions at least. We spent Saturday playing tourist with Erinn’s friend Miranda serving as our host and guide. She actually lives east of the city in Stockton, but is close enough that we were able to crash at her place and still spend a full day in the city Saturday. I had only been to SF once before, I believe, and it was Erinn’s first time, so we made sure to hit the major sites and walk the well known neighborhoods of Haight-Ashbury and the Castro. We also walked the Golden Gate Bridge, and checked out the Sutro Bath ruins on the west coast of the peninsula. Toward the end of the day we also went to the top of Twin Peaks, where we found some break dancers from a group called Above as One, taking turns doing moves on a wall overlooking the city as their friends took pictures. We finished the night at a great little Mediterranean restaurant and then called it a night.