Vigil for Laura Ling and Euna Lee

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2009-06-03-lingvigil177Last week I shot for the AP a vigil in Santa Monica for imprisoned U.S. journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee on what was to be the eve of their trial in North Korea. The two reporters for Current TV were arrested on March 17 by the North Korean military while shooting video for a story about the trafficking of women along the border of China. In attendance were former View co-host Lisa Ling, sister of Laura, Euna Lee’s husband, friends, family and a number of local celebs. The trial was apparently delayed, but news came two days ago that the two were found guilty of “hostile acts” and entering the country illegally and have been sentenced to 12 years hard labor in a gulag-style prison camp. The U.S. has no diplomatic relations with North Korea, but officials as high up as Hillary Clinton have called for their release. There is also an online petition and a Facebook group dedicated to the cause. I tracked these images the next day and saw that they ran in a number of papers around the country including the Washington Post, LA Times and USA Today. It was nice to be part of a story that has such a wide impact. Hopefully this will all be resolved soon! A few more images after the jump.




7 Replies to “Vigil for Laura Ling and Euna Lee”

  1. Please bring them home alive and well soon x Bring them home safe x My thoughts are with their families and friends x Stay strong, keep hope alive x Bring them home x

  2. We all wake up each morning and check to see how negotiations are coming for Laura and Euna. They are both in our hearts along with their families. We beg governments not to confuse people with politics. We are one world with one hope. Please let’s work together to make the world a better place for future generations.
    Again, we pray for their timely release.

  3. Dear Family,
    We are here to help and pray with you in freeing your sister, daughter, Mother and wives. Whatever we may do let us know. I cannot know your pain yet I can see it reflected in your eyes. Hold on to one another, Hold on to the knowledge that the girls will come home. Please try to take of yourselves and be there for one another. My deepest wish is for wisdom and peace at this time for your family. Allow yourself to cry when you need to. Allow yourself to be angery also. But also allow yourself to believe that the girls will come hoem and they are safe. There is one thing I believe and that is the power of people to come together to help one another and we all are here in whatever large or small way we can help.
    Prayer and belief is what I wish to say to you.
    Mary Kay Evans LCSW

  4. I am a mom in Springfield, MO. And since there was no rally here, I had one myself in my home. I stood on back porch at night looking at the stars, asking myself that if Laura and Euna are seing the same star to let them both know that there are thousands of people all across the world that are thinking, missing, and especially loving them right along with their families who are craving their return safely.

  5. We will all be thinking about them until they come home. I hope they will stay strong in prison until then. Good wishes goes out to their family.

  6. To the person who shot these pictures, thank you, the look of grief on Lisa’s face is palpable, I feel her pain as well,I hope to God that Laura & Euna are able to be released very soon & that they remain in good health in the mean time, it is very heartening to see all of the support for these women.

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