Rap Kreyol story featured on 100 Eyes Magazine

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An edit of my work on Haitian hip-hop, or Rap Kreyol, was recently featured in 100 Eyes Magazine, an online magazine published by photographer Andy Levin of New Orleans. My piece is one of several stories selected to represent Haiti. The Rap Kreyol story is something I worked on last year and am hoping to revisit sometime soon. I like the story because I found it to be a good way of addressing the Haitian plight while showing the people in a positive light. The young rappers embody people who are determined not to be victims of their situation, but are trying to do something to change their own lives and the lives of those around them. I think there’s great potential for me to revisit this story with a greater emphasis on multimedia storytelling. I did collect sound when I was there, but hopefully next time I’ll be able to throw in some video segments as well.

The story is here and the entire issue of the magazine can be seen here.

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