What with yet another round of courtroom proceedings occurring today that very well may put Lindsay Lohan back in jail, I thought it would be timely to post this shot, which I took last week while walking the neighborhood. The colorful mural, which I quite like, is painted on the exterior fence of a home across the street from where we live. I regularly see people stopping to take a picture of her and one day decided to do the same. I just noticed this, but I wonder if that necklace is the one she stole? Could this be admissible evidence? Probably not, since this was painted weeks ago, just after news spread that Lohan was moving to Dogtown. Still though, she obviously likes her neckwear.
Lindsay has been the inspiration for a lot of art around here lately, in fact. During the recent Venice Art Crawl, local photographer Rick Duncan teamed up with The Ave., a local custom shoe and t-shirt designing company, to create Lohan and other troubled celeb-inspired (Charlie Sheen, for one) mug shots. Below is one of me. Looks like it was a rough night! You can see more on The Ave.’s Facebook page.
Oh, the joys of life in LA.