Venice Art Crawl

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Venice Art Crawl at Santino's Venice Beach
Graham Gilmore's photos at Santino's
Venice Art Crawl
Jay Brockman paintings at Bondi BBQ

Last night we had a great time at the Venice Art Crawl, the 7th installation of the monthly Venice Beach arts event. As always, there were numerous events throughout Venice, with shows at numerous venues throughout the boardwalk area. Artist’s included everything from first-time exhibiters like photographer Matt Branham, to Venice heavyweights Rip Cronk and William Attaway. We didn’t hit everything, but managed to take in a good majority of the shows. There are a couple more pics after the jump, and a larger gallery posted on my Facebook page. If you’ve never checked out the VAC, be sure to hit it up. It’s every third Thursday. More info at I didn’t show this month, but plan on doing so next month. Stay tuned!

Venice Art Crawl at Small World Books
Conan the Librarian at Michele McManmon's photography show at Small World Books
Venice Art Crawl
Hired entertainment on the Boardwalk

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