I recently went back downtown to continue a series of abstract photos I’ve been doing of the Los Angeles skyline at night. The first, taken in December, shows the city from the south, while this angle is from the east. This is one of three photos of Los Angeles that I’ll be showing in a group show at the Canal Club during tomorrow night’s Venice Art Crawl. The show, titled “Land of the Lost Angels,” shows a variety of work focusing on the multifaceted city that is Los Angeles. I’ll be showing two other pieces as well: “Padiddle,” which shows L.A. traffic at night, and “Radio Flyer,” which is my Venetian tribute to William Eggleston. Other photographers taking part include Cerreah Laykin, Robert Yager, Eric Tucker & Rae Scarton, Martin Linss, Jeff Cohen, Christopher Soltis, Imps of Marge and Fletch, Jill Augusto, Josue Zeta Rojas and John Chapple. It’s not officially a part of Month of Photography Los Angeles (MOPLA), but we’re sort of piggybacking the event anyway. If you’re in L.A. I hope to see you there!!