Here are a few scenes from the 2011 Venice Canals Holiday Boat Parade. Tim Tebow almost made us late for this one, but we got there just in time. This year’s parade was later in the day than last year’s and seemed to have a smaller turnout, but all of the lit floats winding their way through the canals still made for a pretty event.

Hi David,
My name is Mark Galanty, and I am the vice president of the Venice Canals Association, a nonprofit community group, that puts on the Canals Holiday Boat Parade.
I wanted to see if we can use some of your past canal parade photos in our notice of the upcoming canal parade. We would give you photo credit.
We are looking for 1 to 3 of the parade, and 1 to 3 of the decorated houses, and 1 to 3 of the Bridge decorations.
Let me know if you would be supportive.
Mark Galanty
(310) 749-5534