A conversation w/ Mark Francis

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A couple days ago I had a random encounter with a man named Mark Francis while having coffee just off the boardwalk with some future photo subjects. When I was in college cigarettes were a great way to start a conversation with someone. Later it was a camera. Turns out having a dog works really great as well. Mark spotted my friend’s dog and couldn’t help but to come over and talk. Turns out he’s a former LA resident and founding member of a late 80s-early 90s post-punk band Francis X & the Bushmen, named after the late Francis X Bushman, a famous actor from the early 1900s who later donated his land to Sid Grauman, upon which he erected his famous Chinese Theater. Francis is now living in Mendocino, occasionally returning to LA to check out the music scene. The conversation ranged from dog breeds to Shamanism to his days in Venice Beach in the mid-70s. Cool guy and a nice break in the day. It’s great never knowing who you’re going to meet around here!

6 Replies to “A conversation w/ Mark Francis”

  1. Iif you run into mark again, tell him David “kalendudelian” says whats up! And to get in touch with some of us from the “swamp”

  2. I remember seeing Francis X and the Bushmen at Madame Wong’s West around 1984-85. Thought that they were great. I especially recall a song of theirs ‘The Power of Zero’.

    Paul. London UK.

  3. I was in a band called M.E.A.T around 1996 with Mark. He was my roommate as well. Met him in Hollywood on the Sunset strip when I was playing in a band Nastification with Athena Lee “Tommy Lees sister” and we became friends and eventually band mates. Had some awesome times with this guy. We had an eventual falling out and I lost touch with him. Glad and surprised to know he is still alive. Mark was a wild dude! If you have any contact info for him,feel free to give him my e-mail.
    Much thanks,Bryant

  4. I remember going to MARK’s “hobbit” house of the side of the Hollywood Hills where it seemed so PRECARIUS that I was afraid after it rained it would roll down the hill! Another time, away from family on THANKSGIVING, Mark invited me over for a meal of RABBIT with a French sauce, endives, baby potato fingers with rosemary, yams in a maple crust…WOW! Still one of the best meals I’ve ever eaten! Just a coupla memories from an old best friend from MICHIGAN!

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