Studio time

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los angeles studio portrait photographer


Between trips to the desert I’ve been spending a lot of time in the studio lately. A few weeks ago I was in the mood to experiment with some different portrait lighting and invited my friend Nana (right) and her friends Elle (left) and Chuchie to come over to play. Here are a couple favorites from the shoot. This is also a good opportunity to congratulate Nana for her role in the play Phèdre les Oiseaux, an adaptation of the Greek myth Phèdre, which has its opening night on April 26 at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. As the show travels around the world it adapts its setting to whichever city it’s in, this time taking place in Venice Beach. The Venetian muse that she is, Nana was a natural for her part in the chorus. Congrats Nana! To learn more about the play and pick up your tickets go HERE.

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