Thomas Houseago for Style

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Thomas Houseago artist portrait Thomas Houseago artist portrait


Last month I met with artist Thomas Houseago in his Los Angeles studio on the eve of his departure for a solo show at the Gagosian Gallery in Rome. The shoot was for a profile to be published in the June issue of the Italian magazine, Style. We spent the majority of our time shooting around a variety of his amazing giant sculptures – or sculptures of giants – that because of their raw form, appear to be unfinished men all captured mid-stride as they walk around his giant warehouse studio. Though it was more rushed than I would have liked – he was packing to leave the very next morning – he was surprisingly generous with his time and we had fun bonding over tracks from Nirvana’s In Utero album as we shot. I always love shooting artists in their work space, which affords me a unique opportunity to get to know them and to see how they work. This time did not disappoint.

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