Aaron Axelrod – Ayahuasca Purge

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Aaron Axelrod Ayahuasca Purge

I recently spent some time with LA-based artist Aaron Axelrod at his studio in Hollywood to photograph him with his newest creation, “Ayahuasca Purge.” The piece is a rather ingenious video installation that has numerous video feeds mapped onto a cluster of white boxes affixed to the wall. The images vary from solid blocks of color to multicolored zig-zag designs that scroll across the surface of each plane. The viewer sits or stands in front of the cluster and is treated to a unique visual and aural experience as music plays and the images move and change along with the mood of the sound. The artist is also able to change the images at will throughout the show, so each experience is unique. Unfortunately the piece is only on display at his studio for the moment, but I’m sure there will be some public showings in the not too distant future, and I’ll be sure to spread the word if I hear of something. Click below to see additional portraits, a behind-the-scenes GoPro video I shot during the shoot and a video Aaron posted that gives a good approximation to what it’s like to view in person.

Aaron Axelrod Ayahuasca Purge artist portrait

Aaron Axelrod artist portrait Los Angeles

Aaron Axelrod artist portrait

Aaron Axelrod artist portrait Los Angeles

Aaron Axelrod artist portrait

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