Melvin Rodriguez

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Los Angeles Celebrity Actor Portrait Photographer - Melvin Rodriguez

Los Angeles Celebrity Actor Portrait Photographer - Melvin Rodriguez

Los Angeles Celebrity Actor Portrait Photographer - Melvin Rodriguez

I’ve been shooting a lot of artists over the past few years and was excited when actor Melvin Rodriguez agreed to stop by the studio a couple weeks ago to be a part of the series. You might recognize him as one of the lead actors in the HBO show “Getting On,” or for his recent appearances in “Better Call Saul” and, as of this week, as one of the only four remaining people in the world in Will Forte’s new comedy “The Last Man on Earth.” I first became friends with Mel and his wife when they came by the studio some 4 years ago at the invitation of our mutual friend and would occasionally see them at parties after that. Over the years, Erinn and I would sometimes see him in cameos on popular shows such as “Community” and “Workaholics,” and go “Hey, it’s Mel!” Since 2013 though we rarely say that as he’s a regular on half of our favorite shows.  He also has numerous film credits I wasn’t previously aware of, including “Little Miss Sunshine,” and in 2013 had a starring role in the independent film, “Fat,” which was a hit at the Toronto Film Festival. It’s been cool to watch the evolution of his career and I’m sure it’s only just getting started. We couldn’t be happier for him.

For the shoot Mel and his wife came with their newborn baby in tow, excited that afterward they were going to take her to the beach for the very first time. Mel’s great in front of the camera and was equally comfortable giving me an unguarded portrait as he was hamming it up and stripping down to his boxers and a tank top. Lot’s of great shots were made. Here are a few favorites.

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