Artist Diana Garcia

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Diana Garcia Los Angeles Artist Portrait - Venice Beach

Diana Garcia Los Angeles Actress Portrait

To add to my ongoing series on local artists, I recently had the opportunity to spend some time with the multitalented Diana Garcia at her home in Venice. Being an accomplished actress, model, artist, animator and entrepreneur, she’s a busy lady, so I appreciated that she was willing to give me some time on this unusually hot day in February as she was preparing for an event in her home country of Mexico. While she’s appeared in numerous films, commercials and magazines, what I first recognized her for were her playful street art drawings of octopi and her “UNIWOLFCHEETAH” hybrid which began popping up a few years ago on walls around the city, most notably on the building exterior and menu of the notable local restaurant Gjelina on Abbot Kinney Blvd. Her pieces are imaginative and fun, and are frequently accompanied with the phrase “Be What You Dream.” In addition to her Los Angeles installations, she has shown similar work throughout Mexico and in Miami, New York and Austin. In one medium or another, I’m sure you’ll be seeing much more from her in the near future. In the meantime, hop over to her website to see some of her great work.

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