Perched alone on a grassy foothill of the San Gabriel Mountains overlooking the western end of the Los Angeles community of Sunland sits the crumbling remains of a house once known as the Hog Farm. In its former glory the building was at one time the original home of the Hog Farm hippie commune started by one of the more famous individuals of the 60s era, Wavy Gravy. Before the group famously traveled the country by bus doing things such as working security at the original Woodstock festival they established themselves at this site, which was at the time an actual hog farm and quickly became one of the centers of the counterculture revolution of the time. The site stood for some time, but in recent years burned, leaving only some of the outer walls behind. For those interested, more has been written on the subject on Wikipedia and various articles such as this one and this one.
The spot is almost constantly in view from my neighborhood and the surrounding area below, so it was great to finally make the hike up the hill to check it out. Today it is a ghost of its former past, with litter strewn about the grounds from various visitors who have come in recent years. But it was fun to imagine what being here in 1967 might have been like while also taking in the amazing views of the surrounding mountains and the valley below.

David Zentz is a commercial and corporate photographer based in Los Angeles