Kameale Terry for Insider

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“You get what you get and you don’t get upset”. An often repeated phrase at my son’s former preschool, this is also an attitude anyone tasked with photographing a CEO would be wise to adopt, because guess what, they’re very busy! And so I did when late last year I met up quite briefly with the very busy – and very nice – Kameale Terry, CEO and founder of ChargerHelp!, for a profile to be included in Insider magazine’s annual feature, “100 People Transforming Business.” With only a few moments to give me in the bustling lobby of a conference venue where she was a featured panelist we blazed through the shoot in about 10 minutes flat. Of course, I would have preferred several hours to scout and set up, a full crew and control of the space, but a.) it was a small editorial shoot with an accordant budget, and b.) she was heading out of town that night not to return until after the deadline, and this is what she had to offer. So you work with what you’ve got.

Going in I knew the shoot would be quick, but it was only when I arrived at the venue and located Kameale that I fully realized just how narrow our window was and how little control I had of our surroundings. Panic is a natural reaction to such a situation, but having been in this situation many times before I know that’s not much help. The best thing to do is get to work. I quickly picked the only corner of the lobby where we could possibly shoot without people walking between us, set up a single light and modifier and began clicking. Wide! Close! Standing! Sitting! This wall! That wall! Okay, I think we’re good! Thanks! That was the gist of it as people nevertheless swirled around us, some stopping to say hello to Kameale, others politely asking me not to block the entryway to the auditorium… The whole thing was a whirl. But we did what we could with what we had and despite the challenges all turned out pretty well. Give me time and a big budget any day, but from time to time it can actually be exhilarating to see what you can do under pressure. Thanks to Kameale for giving me the only spare moment she had left and to the editors at Insider for including me in the project!

David Zentz is a commercial and corporate portrait photographer based in Los Angeles

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