Some favorites from a fun lifestyle advertising campaign and image library I shot for Best Buy’s Lively & Jitterbug brands last year. Large projects like these are always enjoyable for me because they are a collaborative effort. Photography can at times be an isolating profession, so anytime I get to work with a team of creatives I’m all in. Initiated by the wonderful team at Davis Elen, my producer and I proceeded to work with them to hire 19 cast members and a team of stylists, makeup artists and assistants, as well as book numerous locations in LA and Santa Barbara. Over three days we shot thousands of images covering a dozen scenarios. It’s quite a lift bringing these things together but it’s hard to complain when you’ve got a strong creative team to work with. The images have slowly rolled out over the last year in platforms ranging from the company website and social media platforms. The most prominent is mocked up at the top of the post, which can be seen at the Lively displays at Best Buys nationwide.