Venice portraits cont’d.

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Venice Beach Boardwalk Portrait
Venice portrait - 2Much
Venice Beach Portrait of Skaters
Venice portrait - Skaters

A couple weeks ago I went out to continue a series of portraits I’m doing with people I encounter on or around the Venice Boardwalk. I’m still not sure where I’m going with this project, but so far I’m having fun doing it. I do know I’m trying to avoid shooting the typical boardwalk scenes, such as street performers, vagrants and various eccentrics, and am mostly shooting people who are just there to enjoy the scene. For now I’m just going to keep on shooting and we’ll see where this goes. Previous photos from this are posted here.

2 Replies to “Venice portraits cont’d.”

  1. Hi, I’m one of your mom’s friends (she is one of your biggest fans you know) .

    I don’t know where you are going with the people of Venice either but continue on…a visual delight.

    You are so very talented David. Thanks for the enjoyment.

    Kandy Donnelly


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