Better late…

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My dad and sister were visiting this week, and Erinn and I decided to take them up to the Getty, a must-see for anyone visiting L.A. Thanks to a poor planning job on my part, we failed to realize that they close at 5:30 and arrived to a fairly empty campus with only 40 minutes to go. Despite the short time we had, and thanks to the parking attendant letting us park for free, we decided to check it out anyway and enjoyed a walk around the always beautiful, sometimes surreally perfect grounds and even found time for an interesting exhibit on the book art of the Russian Avant-Garde. Every time I go to the Getty I want to just sit in this spot and shoot people walking in front of the wall. I didn’t have a lot of time, but kind of like the results of this one. Perhaps I’ll try to top it next time. I also enjoyed the wispy cirrus clouds juxtaposed against the hard lines of one of the overhangs in the central plaza.

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