Jody Miller & Amelia Warren Tyagi for brand eins Wissen

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Editorial business portrait photographer venice los angeles


I’m finally coming up for air after a fairly busy April, and I realized I haven’t blogged for quite awhile. The month has been full of magazine and commercial assignments as well as excursions to Palmdale and Mammoth, where we hit the slopes in t-shirts on the mountain’s closing weekend. Meanwhile, some new tear sheets have come in, so I should have plenty of posts coming up in the near future. This was from an assignment last fall for the German business magazine, brand eins Wissen. For some reason, I’ve had numerous recent shoots for German publications. I like to think it’s because of the quality of my work, but it’s probably just my last name. Actually, this one came through a connection with the writer, Helene Laube, with whom I worked with on previous assignments for the Financial Times. The subjects of the article are Jody Miller and Amelia Tyagi, founders of Business Talent Group, a firm that recruits and deploys independent business talent that can be deployed for their clients’ consulting and project development needs. If you can read German, you can get the gist from the first page of the article here. For the rest of you, here’s a link to their site. The shoot was quick but fun and took place in an office high above Santa Monica. Normally a conference room is not an ideal place to make an interesting portrait, but fortunately this one had quite a view. Also interesting is that Amelia is the daughter of Senator Elizabeth Warren, with whom she has co-authored a book on middle-class income struggles. Quite the family!

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