Jules Muck

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Jules Muck Venice Beach Artist Portrait Photographer

Jules Muck Venice Beach Artist Portrait Photographer


Last week, I once again had the chance to photograph local artist Jules Muck. Most recognized throughout the area for her street art and murals, frequently green, spray painted interpretations of iconic faces from Marilyn Monroe to Lindsay Lohan with a dash of social commentary, she is also known to work in a variety of other mediums such as vehicles, human bodies and even canvas. I had photographed Jules a few years ago, but wanted to give it another go to shoot something that fits in better with some of the other recent artist portraits I’ve produced. Fortunately, she was game and had time to come by the studio. From there, we walked all the way across the street to her studio and took some more shots in her environment. Like last time, she was great to work with and brought a lot of energy and creativity to the shoot. These two shots stood out as my favorites. For the studio shots I wanted to shoot her in a light that references her work, so a few days before I went out and bought a green lens filter. My original thought was to then light her with a red or magenta gel to try to bring her skin tone back to something close to normal. In test shots this actually worked, but I ended up deciding to just make the whole thing green and left a hint of magenta coming in from the side as an accent. In her studio, we played around with environmental portraits, but I thought this one of her laying with a collection of the many photos she uses as references for the faces she paints, stood out the most. If you’re not familiar with her work you can see examples at www.julesmuck.com or follow her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/julesmuck. Or, just take a stroll around Venice. You’ll definitely see her work and you might even catch her in the act.

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