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This post has been a long time coming. In July, following my departure from the Journal Star, I had the opportunity to visit Haiti. During the 16-day trip I travelled to three different Voodou festivals and also did a story on the popularity of rap kreyol, Haiti’s own brand of hip-hop, in Port-au-Prince. As I’ve already taken the time to post the majority of the images taken there on my Photoshelter page, I’ll only put up this one image for now. This was taken during the third and final Voodou festival I attended at Bord de Mer de Limonade on the island nation’s north coast. The rest of the images are available here.

4 Replies to “Haiti”

  1. Hi, David – Wendy Kooken came in to see me today, and told me about your relocation. I just viewed your photos, and – as you would probably guess – my favorite is of Richard Noe in Venice. I still work a great deal with “my guys”, which is the favorite part of my job. Tommy is still here on Safety Net, and has not had the surgery for the growth on his face.He has scheduled it several times, and always not followed through. I think part of it is apprehension about getting it done. Wendy has students at New Hope Apartments, and they are advocating big time to have him accepted. I believe he would do well ther, if given a chance. I purchased a book Finding Grace, with photos and remarks by Blodgett – and it is outstanding. I can’t rmember if I had it when you were coming here or not.If you get a chance, look through the photos. Better yet, if you do a similar project – tell me and I will buy the book!!! I hope you are doing well in sunny California. My son and his family live in the Sacremento area, and it most definitely is not always sunny and warm there. Tkae care. It was a joy to work with you on your article concerning “Homelessness” in Peoria. I wish you the very best.

  2. Great site this davidzentz.com and I am really pleased to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

  3. nice site this davidzentz.com great to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

  4. terrific site this davidzentz.com terrific to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

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