New website is Live!

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New website home page
New website home page

After much procrastination I am excited to have finally rebuilt my website! We’re talking a new design, a fresh edit and an entirely new hosting platform! It was a daunting undertaking at first, but was made significantly easier with the help of Peter Dennen of the consulting firm Pedro & Jackie. I know Peter as my former editor from the also former agency, Aurora Photos. When it came time to finally do this I reached out to him and he did a fantastic job poring over years of my work and putting together a set of solid galleries that represent both where I’ve been and where I’m going. The new site is hosted on Photofolio, which I found to offer the best design options overall. They even did the initial build for me which made life a lot easier. Take a look and I hope you enjoy what you see!

New website - Still Stoked

David Zentz is a commercial and corporate photographer based in Los Angeles

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