Super Duper

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California Super Bloom Ventura
Wildflowers cover a hillside under overcast skies during the  superbloom at Harmon Canyon Preserve Ventura.
Wildflower Superbloom on a hillside under overcast skies at Harmon Canyon Preserve Ventura

I finally made it out to enjoy some of the superbloom following the epic rains we received this winter and early spring. Fortunately I didn’t have to go far as the Ventura hillsides were bursting with yellow blossoms. Some good, some invasive, but pretty stunning overall. Here are a few favorites from a couple outings with the family to the Harmon Canyon Preserve.

Kids playing with dog on abandoned Jeep in Harmon Canyon Nature Preserve Ventura during superbloom.
Kids playing on an abandoned Jeep in Harmon Canyon Nature Preserve Ventura during superbloom.
Sunlight highlights yellow wildflowers on a hillside in Harmon Canyon Preserve in Ventura during the superbloom.
Fields and hillsides of vibrant yellow wildflowers under overcast skies during superbloom at Harmon Canyon Preserve, Ventura.
A bee on a wildflower in Ventura's Harmon Canyon Preserve during superbloom.
Little girl in a bunny shirt walks through a field of wildflowers at Harmon Canyon Preserve in Ventura during the superbloom.
Fields and hillsides of vibrant yellow wildflowers under overcast skies during superbloom at Harmon Canyon Preserve, Ventura.
Fields and hillsides of vibrant yellow wildflowers under overcast skies during superbloom at Harmon Canyon Preserve, Ventura.

David Zentz is a Los Angeles corporate and commercial photographer.

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