Bah Haaabah

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Acadia National Park
Bar Harbor Lobster!

None of these pictures are actually from Bar Harbor. It’s just fun to say. Following my visit to Sebago I joined Erinn at her aunt and uncle’s place in Town Hill, Maine, which is right on Mt. Desert Island next to Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor. Although I wish we were there to see the leaves turn, it was still a beautiful time to be there. On my first morning we tried to get up to be out in Acadia for sunrise. It’s supposedly the first part of the United States to see the sun at the beginning of each day. As I said, we tried, but it proved to be too early for us. We were up around 5:30 and out the door by 6, but by the time we were in the park the sun was 10 degrees off the horizon. Ah well. Next time. We still had a great time hiking up a hill called the Beehive and on cliffs next to Sand Beach. In the middle of the day we took a break to play with her aunt and uncle’s pet bunnies and to prepare a delicious lunch of fresh Maine lobster, which Erinn’s uncle bought off the docks for only $3.99/lb! I understand that’s a bit lower than the lobstermen would like, but we thought it was incredible. After cooking them up on the back deck we made up some lobster rolls and chocolate chip cookies and went up on top of Cadillac Mountain for a picnic. Amazing. We also had fun picking and eating fresh blueberries right off the trail. Can’t wait to go back!

Acadia National Park

Acadia National Park
Acadia National Park
Hiking in Acadia National Park
Acadia National Park
Pet rabbits
Lobster lunch on Cadillac Mountain - Acadia National Park
Wild blueberries - Acadia National Park
Acadia National Park
Deer in headlights - Acadia National Park

3 Replies to “Bah Haaabah”

  1. David,

    My name is Josh Weiss, every Saturday on my photoblog I am trying to feature photos I find that I really like. Would you mind if I used “2009-09-12-bar-harbor-362.jpg” for next Saturday’s post? You’ll receive photo credit and a link to your website.

    Please let me know if it’ll be ok (

    Thank you,
    Josh D. Weiss

  2. What worries me about the one of Erinn lying in the leaves/patch/what is that? is that it smacks of Ophelia. Please stay afloat and right-side up, sweet dear.

  3. I live in Bar Harbor! It’s always so cold in the winter, but in the summer its absolutely gorgeous.

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