Haitian tragedy

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My jaw dropped when I saw the destruction to the National Palace in Port-au-Prince, Haiti on the news. Here’s a photo from when I was standing in front of the pristine landmark only 1 1/2 years ago. I can’t believe the destruction wrought by this catastrophe and can’t imagine a more vulnerable place for this to occur. This island just can’t seem to catch a break. My heart goes out to everyone there during the recovery. On that note I’m going to try to arrange a print sale of the work I did while I was down there in order to raise funds for the recovery. I have a number of prints ready that I already happened to be working on and will continue to print until I have enough for an exhibit. I haven’t yet figured out the venue or the charity yet, but will get it worked out soon. I’ll be sure to post an update on that when I know more.

8 Replies to “Haitian tragedy”

  1. Hi, David. I’m a friend of your mom’s, and would love one of your photos anyway, but especially if it helps in Haiti, too. What a wonderful, generous and kind idea.

  2. Hi David, I too am a friend of your mom’s here in srq and am a big fan of your work. I would love to have a photo of your work in my home as well as benefit the Haitian people. Not only are you a remarkably talented photographer but a very thoughtful & kind soul with a generous heart! Thank you for your spirited effort and I wish you much success in your career!

  3. Your mother has lots of friends who appreciate your work. Having seen many of your pictures of Haiti and hearing about your trip I knew you would have an immediate and thoughtful response to this tragedy. Look forward to hearing more about your plans.

  4. Thanks for your response and interest! I’ll be sure to post an update on how to order once I get this figured out. -David

  5. David,
    What a wonderfull and generous idea..We would love one of your works–they are so extrodinary..
    Your Mom is a very good friend on/off the tennis court
    Our very best for grest success in this amazing endeavor
    Charlotte and Bob Simpson

  6. Hello Dave Your Mom forwarded your site. We applaud your idea and efforts on behalf of these unfortunate people. Please send us your photos when ready and let us know the charity you have selected.
    Best wishes a successful project

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