Robert Park return

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Robert Park returns to United States, LAX

Here’s one I shot for the AP a couple weeks back. Robert Park had just returned from a 6-week detainment in a North Korean prison and wasn’t open to making much of a public appearance to talk about his experience or make a statement regarding his cause. His family was allowed to meet him behind closed doors and leave the airport via a private exit. They agreed to drive him by the baggage claim and roll the window down for about 5 seconds so we could see him. At that point his brother hopped out of the car to talk to the media and the car drove off. So this is about as much as anyone got.

U.S. Missionary Robert Park sits in a car with his mother and father following his return to the U.S. at the to the Los Angeles International Airport on Saturday, Feb. 06, 2010. Park was detained in North Korea after crossing the border from China on Christmas Day. (AP Photo/David Zentz)

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