When taking this picture a guy passed by me and said that he’s always wondered when seeing quirky photos if the scenes pictured were set up or found. I can’t speak for anyone else, but with the exception of asking my girlfriend to lay in a field of mosquito-ridden ivy, I prefer to wait for the quirky situations to unfold naturally rather than make them up. And living in Venice there are plenty of opportunities if you keep your camera close at hand. I have no idea what the large plastic horses were for, and in this case I think I prefer not to know. It’s more fun to imagine, no?
This is also the first post on using this new blog template. How better to celebrate than with a blue horse?! I was looking for a new template for awhile and finally came across this one that allows a perfect combination of big photos, widgets (those things in the right column) that aren’t buried at the bottom of the page, and super-easy customization. I’ve spent hours with previous blog templates customizing the css code and much prefer the built in customization tools this theme has on the back end. Anyway, that’s probably too much information for most of you, but I hope you like it!