
Drift_Death Valley – Images by David Zentz Last year, following two weeks spent in Death Valley shooting a story for National Parks Magazine, I made several return trips to keep shooting. On the first trip back, I finally made it up to the Eureka Dunes, which … Continue readingDrift

Truchas revisited

I’m happy to have found a couple of nice surprises after (finally) developing a couple of rolls I shot on a recently acquired 35mm Holga on my recent trip to Truchas, New Mexico. These are low-res, and sometimes scratchy (hopefully due to a cheap scanner … Continue readingTruchas revisited

Nana in color

Last week I had another amazing shoot with my friend Nana Agyapong, a Venice-based artist, model and actress. My first shoot with her was strictly portrait and confined to the studio, so this time we headed off in another direction. Nana has proven to be … Continue readingNana in color

Ocean on fire

I was browsing through some photos and found this miscategorized gem in a folder from a portrait shoot I did in January. Erinn and I apparently went out for a walk that evening and came across this cool pattern in the sand just north of … Continue readingOcean on fire