Aaron Axelrod

  These are some a couple of my favorite portraits from recent sessions with Los Angeles artist Aaron Axelrod. I first met Aaron through my girlfriend, who works with his cousin. I came across him again several months later while he was doing an live … Continue readingAaron Axelrod

Ice the Villain

Here’s one from a recent shoot with hip-hop artist Ice the Villain. The shoot was a collaboration with a stylist friend, Sunshine Harding, that we submitted to the music and fashion blog Style & Hip-Hop. For the shoot we found a great graffiti wall in … Continue readingIce the Villain

The real deal

Sometimes things just come together perfectly. Photographed at Paramount Studios in Hollywood while working a rather amazing event with my friend Maya Myers. Check her out here: http://mayamyers.com


Here’s an image I made last week with Maya. I met her at a party and couldn’t resist asking to take her portrait. So glad she obliged!