Michigan 1

Looks like I wrote a lot! Don’t forget to click “Continue Reading” to see more photos In a week forecast to be plagued with day after day of thunderstorms, standing within arms length of this 175-lb French Mastiff  was about as close as I got … Continue readingMichigan 1

The Dr. is in

Last Friday I received a last minute call from the Financial Times in London asking me to head over to Interscope Records in Santa Monica to photograph Jimmy Iovine, the co-founder of Interscope Records, for a story they were doing on Iovine’s latest business venture, … Continue readingThe Dr. is in

Orange and blue

A couple days ago Erinn and I spent a beautiful, though chilly, evening in and around the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserves. I was there to shoot production stills for a friend’s film project, but will share those photos later. The fields are still in … Continue readingOrange and blue