The Bingle Bus

What the hell’s a Bingle Bus? It’s a short school bus that’s been converted to the world’s first mobile podcasting studio of course. Late last year I met up with comedian and friend Eddie Ifft to check out a live recording of his podcast, Talkin’ … Continue readingThe Bingle Bus

Los Mariachis

I’ve been a bad blogger, but with one holiday after another things have been slow around here. However I do have a backlog of photos to post and will hopefully be better about putting them out there in the coming days. To get things going, … Continue readingLos Mariachis

Mustang Sally

Mustang Sally on the Santa Monica Pier from David Zentz on Vimeo. A few weeks ago I borrowed my friend Matt’s 5D Mark II to try out its video capabilities. I hadn’t shot video using a DSLR, so I thought we’d go out to the … Continue readingMustang Sally