Tuckered Disney Dad

In my professional career I have photographed riots in Miami, the dangerous slums of Cite Soleil and high-profile subjects like Dr. Dre. None of said situations were as nerve-racking as taking this photo of a musclebound man who looked like a marine using his daughter’s … Continue readingTuckered Disney Dad

Mustang Sally

Mustang Sally on the Santa Monica Pier from David Zentz on Vimeo. A few weeks ago I borrowed my friend Matt’s 5D Mark II to try out its video capabilities. I hadn’t shot video using a DSLR, so I thought we’d go out to the … Continue readingMustang Sally

Venetian Eggleston

I was out walking around the other day and came across this amusing scene. It reminded me of William Eggleston’s old tricycle photo, with a bit of a Venice twist. I’m also picturing it hung on a wall amongst my mother’s collection of old bicycle … Continue readingVenetian Eggleston