New website is Live!

After much procrastination I am excited to have finally rebuilt my website! We’re talking a new design, a fresh edit and an entirely new hosting platform! It was a daunting undertaking at first, but was made significantly easier with the help of Peter Dennen of … Continue readingNew website is Live!


  Miami meets Venice Beach! A few weeks ago, I photographed Danni Washington, a Venice resident I met at the Venice Beach TEDx a couple months back. An environmentalist, using prize money won in a ROXY “Follow Your Heart” competition, Danni and her mother started … Continue readingDanni


  While working on a project at San Onofre’s Surf Beach I had a blast getting out in the water to take some surfing photos. Here are a few favorites from my first outing. As a result of all of this time I’ve been spending … Continue readingOffshore