New York

  I had a great visit last week to New York, first stopping in the small town of Warwick to attend the wedding of my friends, Eric and Mollie, and then on to Manhattan where I spent the week visiting with clients, old and prospective, … Continue readingNew York

Truchas revisited

I’m happy to have found a couple of nice surprises after (finally) developing a couple of rolls I shot on a recently acquired 35mm Holga on my recent trip to Truchas, New Mexico. These are low-res, and sometimes scratchy (hopefully due to a cheap scanner … Continue readingTruchas revisited

Haiti along the way

Rowboat taxi, Saint-Marc In May I, along with Erinn and our friend Michael, traveled to Port-au-Prince to work on a project on the NGO Global DIRT.  More on that will surely follow later once the project is completed and hopefully published. The following images were … Continue readingHaiti along the way